"When it came time to evaluate bikes at our eMTB Shootout and which one we would like to own, the Haro Shift i/O 9 was constantly near the top of the list. While some bikes may take the edge in certain areas, or have a more desirable spec, the performance you get out of the Haro Shift for the price is unmatched in our test. We would possibly consider stepping down to the Shift i/O 7 and take advantage of the EP8 and sell the new suspension and upgrade it to our liking, but even without, making those changes, the Shift is a real contender.
Haro’s Shift i/O 9 is one of the most well-rounded bikes in our shootout and is certainly one of the most fun and playful bikes too. We love the suspension feel, how it blends traction and compliance with playfulness and feel the geometry strikes a nice balance of stable yet nimble. Simply put, this bike surprised the hell out of us, and we have personally recommended several of our close friends in the market for a new eMTB to get on one." - The Loam Wolf