In Focus - Matthias Dandois
Every few years, a rider comes along that elevates above the rest, and Matthias Dandois is one of those bigger-than-BMX names. Matthias continues to work harder than anyone, create more content and keep his creativity flourishing. We sat down with Matthias to find out what’s been inspiring him to stay focused, his new family, the fatherhood experience and more. Enjoy a few questions with Matthias as he shares music, books, recipes, and of course, BMX!
Hey Matthias! Starting off, congratulations on becoming a father! How has becoming a new father influenced your daily schedule? It’s crazy, my daily routine hasn’t changed dramatically since becoming a father. My son has just brought so much love and happiness. I do wake up earlier, since my wife likes to sleep-in, ha-ha. This is my time to be a dad, play with my son, cook pancakes. It’s my favorite moment of the day! Traveling has become a bit tougher because I really miss him, but yeah not much has changed in my daily routine. Try out my pancake recipe below:
Matthias DadCakes
1 Banana
2 eggs
1 cup of oats shredded to look like flour
1 tablespoon baking soda
1 yogurt
How do you balance your family responsibilities with your training and BMX? My son goes to bed early, so the night is for me and my wife, Constance. Since he naps in the afternoon, I spend the day at the gym, riding and working. We are very fortunate to have a full-time nanny, this allows me to focus on all the things I’m doing. During the day I see my family less, but mornings make it even more special! I used to wake up, be on my phone, go through emails. Now, I wake up and spend time with my son, it’s DOPE!
Photo @GQFrance
What type of music have you been inspired by lately? We’ve been really into Weyes Blood recently, it’s one of my favorite artists. When I am cooking breakfast getting the day started, I always play her, my whole family loves it. It’s on the slower side, it’s perfect for home but I ride to faster music. I’ve got a playlist for you! We also love an amazing French pianist by the name of Sofian Pamart. He’s cool because he grew up in the projects, looks like a thug but is insane at playing the piano. I’ll share my favorite performance by him, he plays live at the Northern Lights.
Check out Matthias January Listening: Haro Spotify
Photo @arnaudwolff
In between everything you do, where do you constantly find the drive to train so hard? including running marathons? I’ve always had the ability to run long distance since I was a kid. Lately, I’ve been running with a crew; we have a coach and enter races, I’ve been taking it seriously. I’ve always used running for BMX cross-training but running is now my meditation! Running is my time for myself, I can think about everything I have going on. Bike tricks, dude, it created so many bike tricks, it’s so funny!
Photo @pierreblondel
Lately, what have you been consuming? Books, Shows, etc? There’s a book called 1984 by George Orwell, that I’ve read as a child for school, I read it again when I was a bit older, now I’m reading it for my third time. It’s funny because I have three interpretations from the three different points in my life. It’s a fiction book based in the past about the future, it’s somewhat political democracy and dictatorship. There are some powerful quotes from this book. My favorite is:
"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in shapes of your own choosing" - George Orwell, 1984
Here are some of the Haro parts Matthias is riding:
His signature LaBastille V2 frame (Merlot, 21" top tube).
His LaBastille signature Pivotal seat.
and SD Plastic pedals.